

When you get in the driver’s seat of your trusty vehicle, you don’t always think about the parts that keep your engine running. From the alternator to the spark plugs, there are a lot of moving components. To help with this, we provide extensive auto diagnostics for your car.

Expert Advice and Auto Diagnostics

With so many pieces playing a role, your engine could falter for any number of reasons. Turn to May Service when you need an auto repair shop to identify the problem and make a quick repair. Our expert team of technicians uses the latest equipment. Our specialist car diagnostics will make sure your car runs smoothly for longer.

Turn to May Service Inc

Our services don’t stop at the engine-we can repair and maintain any part of your vehicle. Our team has 70 years of combined experience. Plus, as a family-owned business, we offer our clients personal care and attention to detail when it comes to your auto diagnostics.

Give us a call to make an appointment for your car diagnostics. Before long, your vehicle will be back on the road, and you’ll have peace of mind behind the wheel again.

Customer Reviews

Always a fair price and never a pushy or uncomfortable experience. True customer service and reliability.